Dear Burned Out Teacher

04/24/2020 No Comments

Dear Burned Out Teacher,

You are seen.

You are seen driving to school each morning in tears, just to put on a strong face when you arrive to school. You are seen preparing your classroom for the day, only to find you don’t have time to do it all. You are seen greeting your students at the door in the morning, giving them high-fives and hugs.

You are seen giving a morning meeting message and challenge for the day. You are seen when a student comes to you after class and tells you she was not safe in her home last night. You are seen listening to the joys and heartbreaks of your students, pouring your heart out, wanting to help them.

You are seen in the five minutes you have to eat your lunch, at times consisting of a cheese stick because your student needed you. You are seen at times giving your own lunch or money to a student who does not have a lunch.

You are seen engrossed in a read aloud, hoping to ignite a passion for reading in your students. You are seen in planning meetings, where expectations exceed the time you have been given to meet those expectations. You are seen trying to calm a student who is escalated before someone–even yourself–may get hurt.

You are seen comforting your student who lost a parent to an overdose last night. You are seen fighting for your students in IEP meetings, doing your best to advocate for them. You are seen going to Goodwill because your student’s shoes are so worn they barely stay on.

You are seen purchasing Valentine’s cards for students who can’t afford to buy them for the class. You are seen late after school calling families, trying to connect school to home. You are seen at football and soccer games, band and choir concerts.

You are seen when you leave school in tears because sometimes you hurt so deeply for your students. You are seen up late at night grading assignments and preparing for the next day ahead. You are seen when you collapse in bed at night.

You are seen, dear burned out teacher. The difference you are making may be unseen right now. But you, dear teacher, are seen.

Be brave.


P.S. Below I have included free printable quotes that you can hang around your house or classroom. Click on the image to download I hope they encourage and help support you! You are not alone.


I am a kindergarten teacher who loves coffee, East Coast life, all things quirky, and impacting little hearts and minds.

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My name is Emily and I am an early childhood educator. I have taught many students through the years with a wide range of abilities. The early childhood years are formative for students, and I seek to make these years both meaningful and enjoyable for students. I hold a Masters of Science in Education with a specialization in Mind, Brain, and Teaching. I seek to implement educational neuroscience strategies into the general education setting to best meet the needs of students. When I am not teaching, you can find me on my kayak, in the garden, cooking, and spending time with my family and pup. Read More



Image Credits

All the amazing images you see featured on this site are from the incredible Shay Cochrane and can be purchased through her etsy store here.
